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Getting Medieval

Winterfest at Richmond was pretty cool. Weather was beautiful and there's nothing like a bit of jousting, hand to hand combat and falconry to put a smile on your face.

I took the D750 and 70-200/2.8VRII because I'd been having a few wobbles with them recently and wanted to see whether it would play nicely with me as those two bits of kit will likely come on holiday with me in a couple of months.

I didn't have any noticeable issues with them so here's hoping the issues (shutter problems with the body and focus/stabilisation motor failure with the lens - both of which had been addressed through repairs) are well and truly behind me cos there's nothing quite as frustrating as working with gear that's not quite working the way it should and you end up blaming yourself for the high fail rate until you figure out that for once, it isn't you that's taking crap photos, it's the camera ;-)

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